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Loetz - more examples Ausführungen 1936

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Bohemian Art Glass601 of 6907Antique Victorian Bristol or Bohemian Mirror Pair Glass Vases Hand Blown Painted Floral Design With Ruffled TopZelezny Brod Sklo spatter glass vase
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (131 items)

    Following an excellent contribution from Loetzforever, I enclose other examples of Ausführungen around 1936.
    Photo 1 - craquelé decor - number Ausführung?, 11 x 24 cm
    Photo 2 - Ausführung 2 ("1936"), crystal-white carro inlay with a wide gold topaz handle, 13.8 x 32.5 cm
    Photo 3 - Ausführung?, 15.8 x 17.8 cm
    Photo 4 - Ausführung? (possible variant 8), 16 cm

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    1. Loetzforever Loetzforever, 4 years ago
      Thank you Larksel, nice that you liked the article! I am very pleased that you have acquired this rare red variant (on the fourth photo) in the UK. I haven't seen one like this in 40 years.
    2. larksel larksel, 4 years ago
      Yes, I couldn't resist. The last vase is still on its way to me.
    3. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 4 years ago
      thanks for the post, very interesting....
    4. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 4 years ago
      These are wonderful examples, Ales!

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