Posted 4 years ago
(19 items)
Has anyone any idea of the name of the engraver for Webb Corbett who did these fine engraved scenes of a lady on horseback with a dog amongst a woodland scene….Georgian style. Cut to clear paperweights also had this very tiny intaglio engraving. I cannot seem able to find out the history of the engravers and would be so glad to hear about it. I have 3 matching decanters with this design as well as the paperweight with the identical scene but very tiny….
Ka-ching, Beautiful. :-)
Is it signed?:
The Stourbridge factory of Thomas Webb and Sons, at the Dennis Glass Works, was the first firm to use the term “rock crystal” for entries in a pattern book that are dated 6 Jul 1878. Two of the company’s principle engravers were the Bohemian immigrants Frederick Engelbert Kny and William Fritsche. The latter is usually credited with introducing the style at Webb’s, but there is no documentation. Hajdamach suggests that “its introduction may have been a joint venture by the two great Bohemian engravers” (Hajdamach 1991, p. 238). William Fritsche worked intermittently for two and a half years on the masterpiece of this genre, completing in 1886 “Fritsche’s Ewer” a tour-de-force of “baroque power and rhythm” that can be seen at the Corning Museum of Glass (Charleston 1990, pp. 188-189).
Stevens and Williams Ltd., Webb’s main competitor in the Stourbridge area, introduced rock crystal a year after Webb. Most of its rock crystal glass was engraved by John Orchard and Len Beach who often used designs created by another Bohemian immigrant engraver, Joseph Keller. After 1900 the additional firms of Webb Corbett and Stuart and Sons “made their own versions of rock crystal with a mixture of art nouveau and neo-classicism under the direction of two of Frederick Kny’s sons, William and Ludwig” (Hajdamach 1991, p. 247).
Note also that the Hobbies ad lists Kny, not W. Kny. The signature WKny, as on the mayonnaise set’s underplate, would seem more likely than an unadorned Kny signature. William Kny would undoubtedly have wished to distinguish his own work from that engraved by his father, the renowned Frederick Engelbert Kny, as well as from that engraved by his brother, Ludwig. A simple Kny signature would surely cause confusion. Frederick Kny signed few pieces, but when he did he used the signature F. E. K., according to Hajdamach (p. 161). He died in 1906, about the time when apparently much of this glassware was made.
Hi Snip,
Thanks for all that info…I will check out the names to see if any come up for the lady on horseback engraving…
Best of wishes
Quite beautiful!..hope you find out!..
Thanks inky…I also have a cased cut Webb Corbett optic paperweight with the same engraving in miniature. It is stunning. The decanters are x 3. I remember I looked it up years ago and found the information but have since lost it….”Duh”!!! Xx