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For help with vintage sewing machines, see the following post: For other issues, myFor help with vintage sewing machines, see the following post: For other issues, my email: (Read more)


  1. Oops, page seven:
  2. kirbeelomgren, Thank you for providing some of the last needed tidbits of information to solve this UNSOLVED MYSTERY post (even though the original OP is long-gone, and thus can't mark it as "SOLVED")...
  3. mp.kunst, Thanks for this. The original poster isn't around to care any more, but I do. };-) So the Beatles opened with "I'm Down" (I've always liked that one). McCartney doing his Little Richar...
  5. Interesting. Dunno why anybody would have described this as "THE BEATLES 'LAST LIVE SHOW,'" if it's a recording of the 1965 Shea Stadium concert (and it does look like that if you read in between t...
  6. Steptoe1, Google Lens turned up a twin advertised as having tested as being silver: BTW, it might well be silver, but...
  7. dav2no1, Yep, nothing lasts forever, even archival quality DVDs. I actually don't have very many movie DVDs. I do have a fair amount of music CDs, and I recently ripped all of them so that I could ...
  8. Emsien, "Ok last update I guess, unless someone new answers me with definitive information." You never know; I recently have been bowled over by new information on an old obsession of mine. };-)...
  9. JohnofVA, Welp, there they are, hiding in plain sight at IMDB dot com: It's the couch and one of the chairs from the 'Gigi' giltwoo...
  10. JohnofVA, Thank you so much. :-) This post needs some more spiffing up when I get time; however for now, I'm going to mark it as a "SOLVED MYSTERY," thanks to you. Incidentally, I chased down a ...
  11. mp.kunst, What an excellent find. :-) So the SF foundry had been in business since 1973, and among the items they made were metal tags and metal key rings. The trademark was canceled in 1991, su...
  12. Oh, and I've seen "Marie Antoinette" with Norma Shearer and Tyrone Power, but never noticed the 'Gigi' furniture, though. That's the way it goes with me. A lot of times I'll be idly half-watching a...
  13. JohnofVA, You own this furniture set? Color me mind-blown. Yes, I can well believe that Reynolds bought the set at the auction, because IIRC, at one time she had ambitions to create a museum of Hol...
  14. Emsien, That's a good catch on the railroad name changing in 1981. It's one more thing that narrows down the time frame of that brass key ring fob. I would have given you a contact link for The Bra...
  15. Emsien, Yeah, it's a bit unusual not to find any twins of something like that. I did find a brass token of a 1986 NFL schedule made by the same outfit: I...
  16. Hi, Emsien. :-) I suspect that what you have is a souvenir (suitable for attachment to a keychain ring) of the Durango <-> Silverton (Colorado) narrow gauge railroad. I've been on that excursion...
  17. Hi again, tmarty9. :-) Is this you?: Yes, that Type/Style A bobbin on the British site is Class 15. ...
  18. Newfld, It isn't the 'wrong site' for an operator like this. They're getting free advertising. No, I'm not defending them.
  19. Not as old as this one from 1936: *snip* Charge Plates are an old school term for credit cards. And yes they would place the car...
  20. Golgatha, It sure looks like it. I'd tell the staff, except they've ignored my last several requests for assistance with various legitimate problems. CW S&T is a ghost ship.
  21. earthandmagneto, Cool. :-) Yeah, I'd say that the vintage is 1970s or earlier. It looks like it's smaller than the more or less standardized size of modern U.S. credit cards (approximately 3.25" x ...
  22. Hi, tmarty9. :-) If your vintage KZM sewing machine truly looks like the KZM in the post, then this vendor claims to have the correct bobbins for it:
  23. Carol777, You're welcome. :-) Thank you for struggling through my poorly proof-read comments. };-) Since these will be sold for charity, I thought that I should probably add a bit more informat...
  24. Hi, Carol777. :-) Beautiful pattern. Per replacements dot com, Towle made that pattern for over a hundred years (1892-1996):
  25. Beat me to the draw, dave2no1. };-)
  26. earthandmagneto: "Take a look around - no more Sears, no more KMART, no more Mervyns, no more Saturn cars, and the list goes on, like no more Jergens Soap. I drove to Big Lots the other day because...
  27. earthandmagneto, Cool. :-) I really like that WECo monogram. That elongated C seems to have been a popular one. Here's some components of vintage exercise equipment with the intitials HDAC (Hea...
  28. This isn't quite the same decor; however, the number on the back is described as a registration number: "A rare Victorian silver plated grape stand, naturalistically modelled in the form of a vine ...
  29. Tigra, You're welcome again. :-) There are more than a few W&D patents out there. Dunno if any of these ones apply to your hand bag, but they're for hand bag frame and clasps: https://patents...
  30. Hi again, JoWest. I noticed something different between your H&H Dresser lily pad tray, and the other one here on CW S&T. The number on yours is "9285," and the number on the other is "5460." ...
  31. Hi, JoWest. :-) Interesting. There is at least one other here at Collectors Weekly Show & Tell: Dresser a...
  32. Tigra, You're welcome. :-) I actually found more than one twin W&D enameled mesh bag out there, but I felt fortunate to find the one with the receipt, because that helps date it. I also like pat...
  33. Tigra, Cool. :-) I found a twin of your Whiting & Davis bag that has an original sales receipt from 1931: There is a patent for coloring a mesh bag that ...
  34. DanielsKV7010, Cool. :-) I especially like the CRT database link. };-)
  35. tshusker: "I suspect this to be from 1960s to 70s. Quite unique ceramic ashtray in yellow (or whatever color they called it back then: banana?; yellow squash?)." Yep, looks 60s /70s to me. Which...
  36. Wildjunking, Cool. :-) Curiously, the online database typewriterdatabase dot com doesn't show a range of SNs for the Royal Safari in 1965 (maybe because of merger confusion?): https://typewriter...
  37. tshusker, Cool. :-) Even if it does cut off Tierra Del Fuego };-) ( copy of a WaPo piece) A vintage coffee mug sends me on a trip around the world Rep...
  38. I've decided to mark this as a "SOLVED MYSTERY." I think the sewing machine in question is indeed a Singer 99-24. One of the last supporting tidbits about its appearance was the little ring handle ...
  39. earthandmagneto, That's beautiful. <3 Here's the Google Street View of the location (I went back a few snapshots, because in the most recent ones, it had obstructions): 195 Broadway, New York, N...
  40. Whoops, about Shapleigh:
  41. 20250130: Thought I'd update this one, as I suspect it's not a National Rotary R40, but rather a National Rotary B (as suggested by the OP, and indeed the motor housing is stenciled with Model B): ...
  42. Hi again, Mcprescott. :-) Here are the CW S&T tips for photo and scanning, and I'm excerpting the section on rotating photos: *snip* Rotate your photos. After the shoot, be sure to rotate you...
  43. dav2no1, Dude, I shoulda known that you'd be on top of this. };-) I tripped on that same website, and it has an exploded view of the Winchester Model 9422 & 9417:
  44. Hi, Mcprescott. :-) Cool item. It looks like some flavor of a Scranton pressing, e.g.: It might be best to get a professional...
  45. fortapache, Gnatalie. <3 *snip* Gnatalie (pronounced “nat-ah-lee”), affectionately nicknamed for the stinging gnats that pestered its excavators during the digs, is the most complete sauropod sk...
  46. Brando1234: "Thanks you for all your hard work!!" No problem. I've come to realize that for me, collectibles research (vintage sewing machines included) is kind of like what crossword puzzles ar...
  47. Brando1234, You're welcome. :-) Per sha dot org, it's not for certain that the monogram is Safe Glass Company; it might be the Swayzee Glass Company; however, the time period for the two are quite ...
  48. Whoops, see chart (scroll down to page 362):
  49. jscott0363: "I've read the book in English online. My original 1842 copies are in French." Understood. I thought I'd provide a link to the English version for those of us mere mortals who don't...
  50. Brando1234, Cool. :-) Here's the Mason patent: Looks like that monogram was for the Safe Glass Company:
  51. See more