Posted 4 years ago
(1778 items)
This showing is mostly intended as further information for our resident sewing machine (and so many other things!) expert keramikos, who has already provided OODLES of detail in reference to a model 403-A machine I recently (accidentally) inherited and showed here:
Hello again keramikos!! <waving & smiling enthusiastically> Sorry it took me a moment longer than I guessed to get back to this machine, but here's what I've managed to get for you, hope it helps more than further confuses things. (and I also admit I'm still not at all clear whether I've found the actual serial # correctly?)
Pics 3 and 4 show the dimensions of the cabinet opening it now sits in, corresponding to the 7" x 16-1/2" bed that you've already cited for this model. (actually 1/16-1/8" oversize on the hole, but that's no doubt the way it should be)
Pic 1 is the mechanisms under the bed of the machine and pic 2 is [NOT] the bottom end of the motor itself, to the right side (out of frame) in pic 1. Here I see three distinct numbers all prefaced by "SIMANCO U.S.A." -- 172089 at the upper left corner (behind gears) and 172176 midway across the bed both at the top, and 172028 on the horizontal black colored square rod in the middle of all the moving parts. The motor itself is PA9-8.
Once more I'm not sure if any of these are the actual serial number -- I don't see (or don't recognize, yet?) the "boss" under there like that on the 300-series machines you linked to...maybe I'm just being dense...??
New pic#2 just added that DOES show the serial number - NB980667.
AnythingObscure, I'm going to link the two related posts in their comments sections for ease of reference:
AnythingObscure, Thank you very much for going back to investigate further. :-)
Indeed, the opening in the cabinet should be slightly larger than the machine itself. So it looks like the opening is 16 and 5/8 inches wide.
Unfortunately, all those part numbers in your first and second pictures are just that. That is, part numbers. That one on the shaft-looking thing (172028) is seen on page four of this parts listing for a Singer model 403:
Why this parts list for a Singer model 403 seems so abbreviated (not to mention why there isn't a copy at, I don't know.
Here are parts listings of models 301 and 404 for comparison:
The serial number should be somewhere on the left-hand side of the chassis or shell of the sewing machine, and start with either an NA, NB, or NC prefix.
However, it's probably not worth you going back again.
The Singer model 403/403A was only made 1958-1960.
Thanks again for going back to investigate. :-)
Maybe not "worth" me looking again keramikos, but you gotta believe I'm gonna do so anyway, it'd bug me too much if I didn't... ;-) ;-) ;-) ...stay tuned! :-) :-) :-) :-)
AnythingObscure, OK. :-)
For convenience, grouped together here are the pictures of other Singer 300/400 undercarriages where the serial numbers are visible. They are without exception located on the left-hand side of the undercarriage:
You'll be looking for a six digit number with a two alpha character prefix. The prefix is probably NB.
Serial number charts for the Singer 300/400/500 machines (not ISMACS):
pardon the housekeeping, accurate pic of serial number has been added here.