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Micro Mosaic Doves on Branche set in 14K gold.

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Micro Mosaic Jewelry8 of 216Micro Mosaic Forget me not Silver pill boxMicro mosaic necklace with flower motifs in different colors.
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (762 items)

    My greatest passion in my collection of antique jewelry is the earliest Mikro Mosaic jewelry. Here you see a beautiful oval Mikro Mosaic pendant set in Black Onyx /Black Lava Stone set in 14K gold. The second square brooch has been in my possession for a long time. It's the same image but it is very nice to see in the delicacy of the tesserae that the square brooch is still quite a bit older than my newest oval pendant acquisition. And it is a well-known fact that the finer the tesserae, the older the Mikro Mosaic work.
    The hallmark of the oval pendant depicted here is a Dutch hallmark that was struck in objects of 14K gold and is used between 1852 and 1906.
    The size of the oval pendant is 6 x 5 cm.

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    1. Agram.m Agram.m, 4 years ago
      jscott0363 thanks for interest and love.
    2. plein-air-painter plein-air-painter, 4 years ago
      So delicate. Just lovely!
    3. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 4 years ago
      adore this two loving birds
    4. kyratango kyratango, 4 years ago
      Two beauties, Marga!
      Keep on collecting, you have the passion and the eye for beautiful pieces! :-D
    5. Agram.m Agram.m, 4 years ago
      kyratango, Kyra thanks for your very nice compliment and comment.
      kivatinitz and plein-air-painter thank you both for you comment
      fortapache, Newfld, vetraio50, dav2no1, Vynil33rpm, Watchsearcher and Aura thanks you all for looking, loving and interest.
    6. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 4 years ago
      Super beautiful, as are all of your micro mosaic pieces, thanks for sharing.
    7. Agram.m Agram.m, 4 years ago
      katherinecollections thanks for your nice compliment and looking
    8. Agram.m Agram.m, 4 years ago
      kwqd, vintagelamp and valentino97thanks for your interest and love.

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