Posted 4 years ago
(1101 items)
Tin Foil And Tubes Pharmacy Collection Barrel WWII
Ligonier Pharmacy Ligonier, PA had this in their store during WWII to collect tin foil and tubes from their customers for the war effort during the war. I think that it is pretty cool!
Hmmm...from the 'things I never thought about before' dept: was "tinfoil" actually *made* of tin before Mr. Reynolds (or whoever) invented 'aluminum foil'...???
AnythingObsure I guess if the television program would’ve been later
It would’ve been Rin-aluminum- aluminum
Instead of Rin tin tin
From what I read I believe so. I understand the toothpaste tubes were made out of the same material...hence "tubes."
Someone as bad as me with the puns :) Thank you!