Posted 3 years ago
(677 items)
Yesterday July 17, 2021 at Coatesville, Indiana was their annual car show with over 230 cars, trucks, tractors and motorcycles. My 1937 Chevrolet pickup truck took first place in the trucks. All the trophies are hand made. No two trophies are alike. Savannah is my 1937 trucks name and she’s won several trophies in the last four years that I’ve owned her. Thank you Coatesville, Indiana for putting on a great car show! Hope to see you again next year.
Savannah is a beautiful truck…I know you must be very proud of her! Congratulations!
Thank you shughs and Watchsearcher for the nice compliments! Enjoy the day!!
Congratulations ! The car surely deserved to win !
Sorry I meant Truck :-) lol
Congratulations Uncle Michael
Thank you Manikin and crswerner for the nice comments! Always appreciated! Enjoy your day.
its a honey................'-)
Congratulations! Glad it stopped raining long enough to have a show!
Thank you Rambojoe for the compliment and the love!
Thank you kwqd for the congratulations and the comment and the love!
Congratulations, Michael..could take pride of place in this event our twon hosts every year...
Another Beauty Michael. Thanks for sharing. Some yahoo ran a red light and totaled our 96 Accord. Nothing special, but we kept it in good condition. When parts are not easily accessible, shops aren't interested. So, off to salvage she goes. :(
Wish I had your skills, I think that I'd try to save her myself.
Thank you inky and Bruce99 for sharing your comments and the love! The last four years have been a blast with Savannah. Drive her around town almost every night it’s nice out.
Thank you all for sharing the love on my old 1937 Chevrolet pickup truck! She’s a beauty!! :-)