Posted 4 years ago
(1778 items)
Here's an unusual one. (I think?) This tassel measures almost 9" long in all, and appears to be made entirely of bunches and bunches of tiny black glass beads. The same on both sides, its top part has them all applied to a semi-solid (cardboard, or ?) inner backing material along with several larger matching 'stones', while the bottom part is all loose strands of two differing patterns and lengths.
I do not really know what the intended purpose of this was, but due to items found with it I believe it was most likely a woman's fashion accessory of some variety, quite possibly from the 1920's-30's 'flapper era' or thereabouts. If anybody DOES have any better clue what it is or how old it could be, PLEASE leave a comment and let me (and the rest of us) know!!!
That’s really a whopper of a tassel!
On the uppermost end, does that one large ‘stone’ adjust up and down so as to tighten that little loop of beads around something?
Regarding that loop of beads, would you (or a lady) be able to put your hand thru the loop and tighten it on the wrist?
You can probably see that I’m grasping at straws and thinking of a Flapper doing a Charleston with your fancy tassel flashing and flipping around. ;^)
Very nice. Wear it in a ponytail !? Or, secured at the base of a bun to hang at the back of the head ?
THANKS to vetraio50, Watchsearcher, Alfie21, dav2no1, & fortapache for your quick <love it>s!! Watchsearcher, the loop/bead at its top doesn't move or adjust, in fact there are four strands (one now broken and sans beads, the only 'damage' I can find) between that bead and the top of the tassel, under the loop. I just have it hanging on a binder clip for the pics.
Sometimes if you are lucky you find a whole store with items made for windows, sashes etc. for the same purpose. The Bombay company used to sell a lot of masterpiece gems but I always got mine mostly from window decoration stores which sometimes made gilded gold ones and other gems. I could see this hanging from an end of a cushion like the round ones that had beautiful tucked ends. This one of yours is beautiful and likely a custom piece.