Posted 4 years ago
(3478 items)
Thought this was a neat little piece. It was made by Auburn in the 1950s and is a motorcycle policeman. Looks very 1950s, as the policeman has no helmet and has a uniform that is less utilitarian than later uniforms. I can just imagine the not so loud 1950s siren sound as heard in the old movies.
This piece is molded in blue with silver paint. The wheels are molded in white. Dimensions are roughly 6" long and 5" high. "Auburn" is molded on each side of the gas tank and it says "Police" on top of the fender. The policeman has a molded on pistol and holster. Probably the .38 special fired uselessly at giant lizards and so on. Also has molded on hand cuff holders on the other side of the belt.
Plenty of items coming up next week even though we are in the summer doldrums. I myself am not as it is my busy season.
Looking forward to see what he will be escorting to CW soon !.!!!.!
Thank you very much vetraio50.
Woo hoo!!! Hit the #1 spot.