Posted 4 years ago
(3478 items)
The hidden cat had to be forcibly removed as he would not stay hidden. Now as for this pelt it is a bobcat and it is well tanned. The skinning is perhaps a B-. Not quite a professional job. It is about 30" from nose to tail (which should be a bit longer) so it is a fairly large one probably a male. In photo #2 you can see the claws next to a quarter so those are fair sized claws. A dog would have very high vet bills if it ran into those claws. Photo #3 is the underside of the belt.
Now as one who lives in a log cabin this is the kind of thing I am required to have. Has to make it look like I make my living off the land trapping and hunting. Sadly nothing that exciting and myself and the others around here live here along with the wildlife. So far I have seen one bobcat up here and we had a nice staring contest. I forget who won.
Is that a skunk pelt? Pretty!
We’ve trapped several beavers here who were causing flooding, cutting down trees and leaving the very dangerous sharply pointed stumps everywhere. I’ve wanted to save a pelt and skull but just couldn’t bring myself to try it ….just too yucky. The coyotes took care of everything.
Your pelts do define your cabin as belonging to a gen-u-wine mountain man.
I’m referring to picture 4, of course, about the skunk.
Beautiful bobcat pelt, fur trapper fort :)
Thank you very much Watchsearcher. I have heard here before that beavers are trouble makers along with their punji sticks.
And thank you very much again Newfld.