Posted 4 years ago
(3472 items)
One can never have too many Marx dinosaurs plus the MPC dinosaurs to go with them. The seafoam green dinosaurs are Marx and the Kronosaurus is yellow. The Kronosaurus, a type of Plesiosaur was a reptile but not actually a dinosaur. Even though it was around the same time as the dinos.
Now these Marx dinosaurs are from the mold group PL-750 also known as the Medium Mold Group. We have here Trachodon the duck billed dinosaur, Allosaurus who does not look fierce here, Allosaurus the armored dinosaur and Stegosaurus with its spiked Thagomizer.
Trachodon is the largest at 6" from duck bill to tail to give an idea of the size of these. A real one would have been about 30 feet long.
These were sold in the later 1950s in playsets and in header bags.
Perhaps it is time to get my dinosaur herd together again.
Never too many finish. Great stuff. I believe Bessie is a pleisiosaur, but from the pics on the National Enquirer she doesn't appear yellow!
Erata: Never too many dinos.
These are so cool...
Thank you very much Toyrebel. Good to see you back.
And thank you very much vintagelamp.
'Pache nice to talk with y'all again and see your cool stuff. Had some multiple health issues. I seem to be on the mend, made a walk this morning(before the heat) and made a good pace with little leg pain(nerve damage). MAJOR improvment. Glad to be back with my CW friends, like you,I just was really down and not able to do much. I'm cautiously optimistic.
Toyrebel Sorry to hear you have health problems but glad to hear there has been an improvement. Hope it goes well and you can post some exciting toys.
Thank you very much Ms.CrystalShip. I happen to have a lot of Jurassic Park dinos too. Need the brachiosaurus though.