Posted 4 years ago
(186 items)
This is a very similar box/bowl/candy jar to the one I posted yesterday.There is also a two- stepped body but the foot is different.The lid has two 'parts',not three and it lies directly on the body which has an even rim.The decor in known as 'threaded' and in its red version occurs on Kralik's pieces.Any opinions are welcome, because E.Steinwald can be also considered as a manufacturer.
this one seems very similar
but I do not care if Kralik or not wonderful
Thank you,Silvia.I can't agree more.This is one of my favourite pieces :)
Great piece Ivonne, well done!!
Thank you,philmac51 :)
Just gorgeous, and getting rarer by the day.
Thank you,Peggy.Yes,this is unavoidable when the pieces are fragile .All the more reason for collectors to save them.