Posted 4 years ago
(3477 items)
Picked this up at the Rose Bowl today. It is MB24A the Weatherill Hydraulic Excavator. I posted its successor the 24B a ways back. These are almost identical but the later version is 9mm longer. It is actually larger in all dimensions. Both are together in the last two photos for a size comparison.
The shovel on this raises and lowers but it doesn't stay in position except by finger support. This seems to be a short post there must be something more I can say about it. Let's see the 24B lasted through 1966 and after that the Weatherill Excavator line was over.
Matchbox/Lesney replaced many of its original models with slightly larger versions until mid/late 60s when they reached a standard size generally called 1/64 scale.
Nice. Curious if Catapillar was involved, I found some info:
Photo galery:
And: Company History:
"In the early 1940s Fred Weatherill made his living as the financial director for Chaseside Engineering, who manufactured Fordson based rope-operated shovels."
"While on vacation Fred saw a hydraulic wheel loader. He was so impressed with the concept that he decided to present the idea to the Chaseside board of directors, but they were not interested."
"Weatherill was convinced that hydraulics were the way of the future and decided to establish his own company—FE Weatherill. The company was founded in Tottenham, North London, UK."
Thank you very much Alfie. That is some interesting information.