Posted 4 years ago
(2 items)
I found these with my great aunts religious prints and statues. I just figured out that the first one is an automobile badge as I found a similar one online. Does anyone know if the second photo also an automobile badge?
Try getting the pictures on right. If people have to bend their necks most people will move on and forget ABOUT coming to your post again. You would have no problems normally if you post your things USING A DESK COMPUTER !~
I am using a desktop computer and I don't know why they posted sideways?
I will try to see if I can edit them :/
I figured it out - I had to save the photos to my desktop. For some reason if I add them directly from my photos on my computer it turns them sideways?
Madgenes, Yes, you are correct.
When you say "For some reason if I add them directly from my photos on my computer it turns them sideways?" I suspect that you're talking about some computing device other than your desktop computer.
Be advised that the Collectors Weekly Show & Tell software does not play nicely with digital photos from all sources, particularly smart phones and tablets.
You're fortunate in that you were able to straighten out the orientation of your images by saving them to your desktop computer.
Not everybody has a desktop computer nowadays, so a workaround is:
Edit the photos on the originating device.
Make some small change (sometimes shortening the long sides of the rectangular image a little is enough).
Save the changes on the originating device.
Edit the CW post.
Replace the original photos in the post with the edited versions.