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Wilcox Victorian Silverplated Porcupine Toothpick Holder

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1101 items)

    Wilcox Victorian Silverplated Porcupine Toothpick Holder
    This is a rare antique American figural toothpick holder c1870 which takes the form of a porcupine. The design is exceptional and beautiful. An extremely interesting piece. As you cans see the toothpicks go into the body of the porcupine..
    He stands 2 inches tall, 3 inches wide and 1½ inches deep.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      What an ingenious design, and a very cute porcupine
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      OK -- this is a serious question, please -- how did you get to the "toothpick holder" function for this piece?? I'm genuinely curious, because if I ever came across a little figurine like it, I seriously doubt that usage would ever occur to me...??? (but now I know -- what FUN show and tell is!!!)
    3. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 4 years ago
      Thank you!!! I agree.

      My antique dealer is soooo intelligent and finds the greatest odd-ball stuff (exactly what I love). He told me that it was a toothpick holder. I found another that sold previously on line and verified. It makes total sense. Yes, I learn an awful lot on this site!
    4. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 4 years ago
      Porcupine are such cool beasts! definitely the most well-armed critter in the northern forests. When i was a kid, my dad showed me this little cave up on our mountain and in front of it were what looked like 5-6 dried out / hollow melons with a hole in one end. He told me to pick it up and tell him what it was. I finally figured out that it was the skin of an inside-out porcupine. Fisher cat were able to flip them out of their skins in order to eat them. I also got to try a cooked one years ago and understood immediately why they are so well-armed.
    5. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 4 years ago
      It is always great when a collectible brings back such memories! I absolutely love the story. If I ever get the oppurtunity, I'll give one a try. I have tried just about everything else.
      Thank you!

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