Posted 4 years ago
(945 items)
Last week I was able to relocate some of my hand vase collection into a different cabinet. Some of these were in an another cabinet which didn't fit in so well with the home decor, & I'll sell it once the lockdown in over. I'm really pleased with how the vases look in this one, an antique Asian cabinet. I was able to fit in a lot more vases, plus some extra ones that I had not unpacked since I moved in 2018.
Well done. they are beautiful, and having them all displayed side by side really adds depth the visual. Lori
Absolutely fabulous!!! Love seeing these all together! Thank you so much for the post and take care!
Gee one or two there Marin!! :) Love the cabinet also.
The cabinet looks very good, but absolutely stunning with your fantastic hand vase collection.
I never see these for sale and maybe you are why! :))
Hi Karen, I was going to add a comment similar but I thought I don't Marin well enough yet!! :)
The lowest 'blue' shelf does it for me IronLace (may I call you Marin?) but the cabinet doors look pretty spectacularly made too?!! <applause> All best, Tim
Hi Marin, you realise Karen and myself are just jealous!! It's an amazing collection I think I have only ever seen one over here for sale in recent times. :)
or maybe I should say envious! Jealous is a much harsher word!
Many thanks, Lori! I'm really enjoying this display as the former cabinet was very shallow...
Thanks also, vintagelamp!
LOL Bernard, I've been collecting them since 1995 & haven't bought any for quite a while (I'm on the hand vase wagon) & even have sold a fair few over the last couple of, maybe you can imagine how many there were at one point...I think I reached "peak hand vase" in around 2016 or so...I still have a lot packed away that I'm figuring out what to do with...
Thanks also, valentino97!
I just Googled Jay Myself & I'm totally going to have to watch it now! Sounds super interesting!
Much appreciated Karen! I have my partner to thank for the cabinet, it was purchased back in the 1980s. It was stored in my garage for several years until my move so it's good to see it pressed into use for these. I don't know why I didn't use it before, it was just gathering dust.
Well, as for never seeing these for sale, I am happy to admit that I have snapped up a few fair few in the last 26 years. It took me a long time to get a just couple of them found locally but after I discovered online shopping circa 2004, the rest is history!
Hi Tim, you are most welcome to call me by my name!
I'd actually like to change my username (it was chosen on a whim in late 2016) but after contacting CW I found that it's not an option.
So glad that you're enjoying the hand vases & I'll have to add a photo of the extra large Fenton ones at the back of this bottom row, they've been packed away for three years & are something special. Blue is probably the most often found colour in hand vases after white, interestingly enough.
Bernard, your envy/jealousy is well understood, I remember when I first joined CW almost 5 years ago, & feeling similarly inspired by other folks collections to search for things I'd never seen before & suddenly found I urgently needed!
it seems a whole army of arms taking care of yoy
Many thanks kivatinitz!
So well done. Design excellence like your new bookcases.
Thanks so much, Daisy1000!
I love this!! I see that you have a white one with a wavy gold rim. I have a similar one. I'd love to know more about it, if you have any information to share.
I think this one is possibly of Bohemian/Czech origin. I bought it from a seller in Europe. The two next to it with unusual inner casings (spatter & green aventurine) both came from sellers in Czech Republic. Sorry, but I don't know the exact maker.
a belated comment......Yes I know what you mean you've never seen one before don't know what it necessarily is but you really need one!! Classic isn't it, I've felt it many times. I think its the wonder of such a nice thing and the need to handle one for oneself :)
It's an exciting notion, isn't it! I love seeing new & different things & on many occasions, I soon need to find an example or two (or more) of my own. It could be glass, interesting books, clothes, plants, whatever.
So yes, I totally get it! I think some of us are just a tad more susceptible to this folks with curious, creative minds that enjoy learning about new things. After all, learning is a major part of living, & living well is all about staying engaged & interested in the world around us & all it has to offer!
Been waiting for you to see my post and give me your expert advice.
A real hands-on collection. Bought in second hand shops, I suppose ...