Posted 4 years ago
(3 items)
Does anyone know what this is? I thought it was a brooch, but I see no way to fasten it to anything
it is all sterling and I think the stone is onyx, I picked it up at a garage sale for 4 dollars, I do love it !
but I have no idea of its purpose? the safety chain does not detach and the little spring like thingy
doesn't move? Any ideas would be appreciated
It looks as if the coiled portion should be removable - likely covers the sharp tip of the pin.
It reminds me of a tie bar decoration for men and women I see in a lot of ads now and there is usually chains used in part of decoration.
Ohh you are right!! I tried tugging and twisting on the coiled part a little
but it didn't move, after your comment I tried a little harder,,, lo and behold
it did come off and reveal a pin. I guess it is a tie clip
Thank you for all of your help
Ok….here’s what I would love to see now: put it on a tie and edit your post but removing 1 picture and replacing it with a new one of it adorning a tie.
That would be a special treat for all who have contributed to help solve the mystery. :^)
I DO like this pin -- I was kinda thinking that coiled part should come loose too, and am happy you followed up to let us all know -- THANKS for that, Shelley!! :-) :-) :-) The only thing I remain curious about is exactly how big it is...? ;-)