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Hood Milk Signs - Elsie the Cow

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    Posted 15 years ago

    (156 items)

    These two porcelain signs appeal to the kid in me - I grow up drinking Hood milk and eating Hood ice creams (Hoodsies - also pictured above) in the Boston suburbs.

    One of my earliest memories is writing a letter to Elsie the cow (pictured in these signs) - the Hood mascot. I think she even wrote back once!

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    1. Ben Ben, 15 years ago
    2. GirlPowerPicker, 14 years ago
      Cows are my favorite animals!!!
    3. brianguy brianguy, 14 years ago
      love the red one... the older one in b&w is cool too.
    4. Bruce Ash, 14 years ago
      What is size of signs?

      Are you a seller?


      Bruce Ash
    5. Milkman, 14 years ago
      Love the signs, but that's not Elsie. She was the Borden's milk mascot.
    6. solver solver, 13 years ago
      This is an old post that popped up so I couldn't help but reminisce about "Elsie."
      Milkman, perhaps love was blind at that age since you are correct: the H. P. Hood mascot was "Jersey Belle."

      source: The Historic New England website:

      Great signs, Potrero. Goodness, a sign like the one on the left just sold on ebay for $2,000. Since Jersey Belle's trademark name was cancelled in 2004, the new owner can now rename her. :-)
    7. hotkitties, 13 years ago
      lol! How can I get a letter from Elsie the Cow?
    8. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 10 years ago
      I worked for Hood In Lynn ,..Welding the floors at night ..and I had a key to the ice cream locker room ...they would chew my a$$ for passing out ice cream at night ,but that didn't stop me I remember the milk trucks coming up the road and stopping at our house and leave butter, milk and eggs ..we would ask for a hunk of ice in the summers Hoods ...nice flash back.. nice post
    9. capegirl, 8 years ago
      From CT and the Cape......HOODSIES.....YAY!!!! ;-) VERY cool signs!

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