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Bridal Basket

In Art Glass > Show & Tell and Victorian Era > Show & Tell.
Art Glass1170 of 22787Some more glass hand vases of the Victorian era.Another "Art Glass Bowl"
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (418 items)

    When this was new it would have had a metal frame around it with a carry handle, the more expensive ones made from silver. They had various uses from flower girls using them to hold petals to sprinkle in the path of the bride or a place to put small gifts to the bride and her partner. This one is quite small just 170mm wide. When I first saw it for sale online I was wondering with the green if it was uranium but didn't want to ask as it may have given the game away :) so I waited until the price fell to a level where I didn't care just buy it for it's beauty at face value. Just as well as it isn't!

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    1. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 4 years ago
      currently a tad depressed, the next post was to be another of these but quite large 400mm + diameter and it was uranium/vaseline. Taking the last photo it fell forward onto the tile and broke into 20+ large pieces and a lot more smaller ones :(
    2. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      Really sorry to hear that, Bernard...a real shame. I have had a few breakages here & there over the years & it never gets any easier to bear - I'm feeling your pain, my friend...
    3. Damonways Damonways, 4 years ago
      love the Bridal Basket and the colors sorry to hear about the one that got broke,.I have a Bridal Basket a large one by Mt Washington Glass Co.if I can find my picture I'll post it for you...later

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