Posted 4 years ago
(176 items)
This is a very fine 1917 silver quarter. There is no mint mark that I can see. Please help if you can, I am pretty certain that the back of coin has a minting error on the right wing, but am unsure. Thank you for any help. I think it may also be slightly off center.
It looks to be the left wing when looking at PIC #1 turned the right way. Like a small smidgen f you will. A drop of melted metal.
I compared with several images of the 1917.
Is a blob on the wing considered a mint error?
I feel like the one I just found metal detecting might have the same error… where you able to find anything out? It looks like an “L” on the right wing
x ( insert alert Waki)
this is highly spurius we are in an Number N#?3573
References KM#?145, Schön#?135 what ought to be a stray strike with no mint marks of the Philadelphia minting , later the Philadelphia minting is coming
this is not an possible Denver of San Fransico minting
what is a KM 145= is a type 2 regular
which means the L is not intertwining with the twig but above the twig and the back got three stars
you are missin the mintage marks next to the pedestals , which is or the easy way out or heavy wear
and then suddenly wegot a sort of deus ex machina namely a naked breast combination which is IMO impossible, because a barebreast is a type 1 combination
how about a mint error, well there are 21 mint errors , but we confine t0 2 of them , namely the extremely rare partial overminting or a diebreak error
IMO it is just oneven wear
if we narrow down to a diebreak
this is technically A NON RIM TO RIM DIE BREAK STAGE 2 WITHOUT SHOWING WEAKNESS( this is extremely far fetched)
according the algoritmes the chance 1 out of the math
and i think the coin cleaned or pimped , still cute coin
I'm sorry, I never saw these replies. Thank you all. Been gone awhile.
The coin was polished and the blob on the back is solder likely from being turned into a button or pin.