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old AMERICAN EXTRA HEAVY 14 galvanized bucket

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1778 items)

    I honestly don't remember where I picked this one up or when -- only that I haven't *let loose* of it ever since?!! ;-) :-)

    It is an old very heavy gauge galvanized steel bucket with bail, measuring 11-1/2" across and 10-1/2" deep. Riveted and soldered construction with a well crimped bottom and likewise heavy gauge bail and hardware. I only discovered (by feel?!) when taking pics that it actually DOES have a stamped marking at the center of its bottom reading "AMERICAN EXTRA HEAVY" in a circle around the number "14". I had to moisten that with a wet rag to get it to show up enough for the pic here, in fact.

    Still completely watertight and rust-free after who knows how many decades, albeit with assorted paint spots and minor scars also probably decades old. At the moment it is now serving to hold fresh water for Oreo dawg to drink while she endures (??) a few days in the (still grassy) front yard by herself so's to help keep her fresh "inci$ion" cleaner and healing well...she actually DID go visit my Vet for a certain little procedure so is now recovering from being puppy-proofed... ;-) :-) :-)

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      That’s great news about Oreo’s “puppy proofing”!
      She contributed her share to the population, now she can quit worrying about that!
      I love the bucket…we had a similar one when I was a child…it was a little deeper, I think….it was our well bucket.

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