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Original ISO-VIS Standard Oil Lubesters By Bennett and Standard Oil Of Indiana 5 Gallon Oil Can

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (677 items)

    A friend of mine called me and said he found something I might be interested in. Went by his house and he had these two 15 gallon oil lubesters for sale. They are ISO-VIS Standard Oil with the Bennett tag on them. The 5 gallon oil can was picked in northern Indiana about 2 weeks ago. They all look good sitting together, the porcelain sign on the wall, the gas pump, the lubesters and the five gallon can are all items of Standard Oil and all original. Some people like things restored and some people like things just the way they were found. This is a great example of just the way they were found.

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    1. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you oilman514!
    2. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you chevy59, jackart,stonesfan1 and leighannrn!
    3. wingletts wingletts, 13 years ago
      Nice, did you buy them??? I hope you have a large storage area, for all you could open up shop....
    4. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you wingletts for stopping by. Yes I bought them and I have the storage. Maybe someday you will show a little love on these items for your husband. You mentioned he likes this sort of stuff. :-)
    5. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you tommy1002!
    6. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you MooreAntique!
    7. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you trukn20!
    8. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Hedgewalker, crabbycorgi and Signaholic!
    9. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you EJW-54!
    10. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you mtg75!
    11. MMM MMM, 13 years ago
      Nice buy officialfuel. You better keep that friend...... :-)
    12. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Flash!!
    13. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you egreeley1976!
    14. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you kerry10456!
    15. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Purpleisafruit6!
    16. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you shughs!
    17. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Nova!
    18. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Designer for the love! :-)
    19. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Longings!
    20. Wendling Wendling, 13 years ago
      A very nice collection. I will spend much time viewing your collection.
    21. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Wendling for stopping by and looking and the nice compliment!
    22. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Canman!
      Thank you crswerner!
      Thank you Chevelleman69!

    23. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you mikielikesigns2!

    24. mikielikesigns2 mikielikesigns2, 13 years ago
      theres a cery good showon public access t.v. about Americas manufacturing situation in these times, they showed a map of the U.S.A. & where the former & now current corps. are located. A blue dot , while the rest of the east looked sky blue Indiana GLOWED blue. It even was MORE signifigant when they showed the profit earnings!!!!! Okla. well , i think we did have a dot or two.
    25. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you stonesfan1!
      Thank you mikielikesigns2 for the info!

    26. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you chrissylovescats for the love!

    27. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Buick55 for the love!

    28. packrat-place packrat-place, 13 years ago
      How did I miss that? very nice.
    29. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you packrat-place for the love and the nice comment!

    30. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you sanhardin for the love!

    31. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you straightleg for the love!

    32. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you walksoftly for the love!

    33. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you petey for the love!

    34. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you ttomtucker for the love!

    35. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you oldnfuelish for the love!

    36. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you Poop for the love!

    37. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you pops52 for the love!

    38. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you sugargirl for the love!

    39. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you Candi for the love!


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