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cobalt blue cage light fixture

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Another light-up-toy from Ohio, this fixture actually used to serve as part of a traffic signal system where it is termed a "pre-empt" light. Mounted between actual traffic lights on a mastarm, this light would illuminate when activated by a device attached to an emergency vehicle (police, fire, ambulance) that interrupts normal traffic flow to 'turn all the lights green' in the direction the emergency vehicle is traveling. (or, in other words, *pre-empts* the regular signal cycles)

    The light fixture itself measures about 12" long and is fastened to a conduit body and bracket so it could have been mounted, they add another 7" or so to overall length. The thick glass globe is cobalt blue colored, it screws onto the fixture top then the cage screws on over it. Shown here with a clear 40w incandescent 'ceiling fan' lightbulb inside, the original would have been much hotter/brighter, it came with a burnt out industrial bulb of ~130W.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      AO, You come up with the most unusual things….I’ve never seen or heard of one of these. The emergency vehicles around here just have to “wing it” with it with lights and siren on and horn honking, slow down and negotiate the intersections.

      Not long ago, when a relative was being transported to hospital in an emergency situation, I rode in front with the driver….I could hear the activity in the back with the patient and I knew the situation was dire. It was an amazement to me how many vehicles obstructed to ambulance’s path and added minutes to the trip.

      We could really use nice emergency lights like yours—and more considerate and law abiding drivers!
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 3 years ago
      What a KIND thing to say about me, Patricia -- THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
      :-) :-) :-) <hugz>

      Pre-empt systems aren't common here either, the only one I know of locally actually works to clear intersections for our downtown trolleys to run uninterrupted...if vehicle traffic ignores those, they GET HIT... <eeek>

      More THANKS to Vynil33rpm, fortapache, Trey, Watchsearcher, Alfie21, vetraio50, and vcal for punching your <love it> buttons for yet one more of my 'obscurities'?!! :-) :-) :-)
    3. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 3 years ago
      Hey y'all -- just substituted pic #1 with a new one, where this light is currently living as of this afternoon, on the carport wall between the pinball machine sides. What the heck, I think the blue looks nice between 'em...if I decide to keep it there I'll hang it properly and run its wire thru the wall instead of just over the top of the door...its fun to own a home, so's I really *can* drill holes wherever I want in whatever I want...
      ;-) :-) ;-) :-)
    4. dav2no1 dav2no1, 3 years ago
      Looks great!

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