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Marvelous Meticulous Melodious Matchbox Monday MB 32 E Type Jaguar In D Style Box 1962-1967

In Model Cars > Matchbox Cars > Show & Tell.
Matchbox Cars145 of 655More Mainly Mini Matchbox Monday MB-65 Jaguar 3.4 Litre 1962-64 With D BoxMaterialistic Mainly Matte Matchbox Monday Y-5 1907 Peugeot  1969-1970
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (3472 items)

    I posted an example of this model earlier but this one has the box plus it is mint. The box is a bit less mint. Now there won't be much confusing box discussion as this was always sold in this style box with no variations as far as I know. Uh oh looks like I am mistaken as it did come in the later E style box for a for a short time.
    Now if I recall correctly the real thing was also known as the XKE. OK that was for the US and Canada. Anyway this is one of those most iconic of cars. I'll be posting another as soon as I get an E style box.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 3 years ago
      I get pooh poohed here because these are not a favourite car of mine.
      I do think it a very good model however.
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      It may have been identical to mine which was my first matchbox. After that I kept on collecting. Loved them as before they came out, there was nothing like them.
    3. Alfie21 Alfie21, 3 years ago
      The red paint is outstanding!
    4. fortapache fortapache, 3 years ago
      Thank you very much racer4four. I will let it slide.

      Thank you very much Phil. I still have my first Matchbox and it isn't in good shape.

      And thank you very much Alfie.

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