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Alfred Sung frog

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1491 items)

    This 1 1-2" silvertone frog brooch has a large pearly pink cabochon body, mini pink rhinestones & black eyes. By fashion designer Alfred Sung, popular in the 70s & 80s creating clothing, perfume & costume jewelry. This frog ca 1980s marked Sung in back

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    1. Dawnlady1, 3 years ago
      Love your frog! So stunning in pink. I worked in the Fragrance counter in the 80’s and sold many bottles of Alfred Sung and was fortunate to meet the lovely man himself.
    2. LaurenRedmond LaurenRedmond, 3 years ago
      Very feminine frog you have!!! Her shade of pink is the best, it’s really bright and colorful! Reminds me of a big rose or peony or something, I also like the little stones on her legs, they resemble raindrops or moisture beads so she’s definitely realistic in that sense, she’d also stand out really well on any garment I think!
    3. racer4four racer4four, 3 years ago
      The jewels are special but for me it's the feet.
      Plain silver, gorgeous, cute little feet.
    4. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 3 years ago
      Very nice! This designer is a new one for me. Reminiscent of some of the older jelly belly pieces!
    5. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      Beautiful frog in all its royalty of rhinestones !~
    6. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      OMG! Love the colors so much!!!
    7. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      With thanks to you all for the love

      Thank you Searching for your awesome praise, I'm always so pleased to introduce a "new" vintage designer to CW, Alfred Sung made some lovely items

      Dawn I am super impressed, both that you met Mr Sung (he looks like a kind man from his photos) and worked in Fragrances, you must have a most educated scent sensor! As a young receptionist for a corporate bank in the 70s I remember being rather shy, but getting up the nerve to ask a lovely co- worker what fragrance she was wearing, which turned out to be "Sung." Of course I went later to my local mall's top dept store to look for the perfume, which alas was priced way over my youthful budget so I stayed with my wild honeysuckle scent for the most part; my mom wore Arpege which has always reminded me of her. Thank you for your wonderful comment & refreshing some fond memories for me :)

      Lauren thank you for your super praise, yes she is a very feminine pink frog and I think her big cabochon is rather like a pink star sapphire stone, it's very elegant. She is a very happy lil pink frog that always uplifts my mood whenever I wear it

      You're right Karen, such adorable little silver feet, I love it when they splay out the frog's feet to look like fingers & toes. Thank you for your fabulous & observant comment

      That's so true MrsT, the big cabochon is very like the jelly belly style, perhaps that was the designer's inspiration. Glad to find a nice piece by Mr Sung to show you, and thank you for your great comment

      Thank you Phil for the lovely comment and praise for this pink frog, who seems to be blushing from all the kind attention!

      Yes vintagelamp isn't this a striking pink, so bright & very cool to find in a fantasy frog, makes it much less 'reptilian' lol. Thank you for your fantastic praise
    8. Manikin Manikin, 3 years ago
      What a gorgeous frog ! who would think a frog could be so pretty :-)
    9. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Very grateful for the thoughtful love

      Thank you Mani for the super compliments and enjoying this pink froggie, I agree the happy pink color makes it very un-froglike and a pleasure to wear :)
    10. Rocky22222 Rocky22222, 3 years ago
      how did I miss this.....pretty little thing ...u ever where these..or buy just to collect or resale.... enjoy the day..
    11. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thanks you Rocky for your terrific comment & the love, yes I do wear this cute little pink frog it always gets lots of compliments :) No I don't sell any of my collection as of yet, the only things missing (mostly glass) were broken in transit when we moved. I just need to buy more storage cabinets to house everything properly, or maybe in future will sell some older pieces to make some room, but I hate to part with things I love
    12. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thank you MissJlc4719 & Daisy for the thoughtful love for this pink Sung frog, it is so kind of you and most gratefully appreciated
    13. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thanks Trey & jb for the kind love for this little frog, you guys are so nice and I'm very grateful for the appreciation
    14. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thanks Giana and Leelani for the love for this pink frog brooch, very glad you liked it and always appreciate your kindness
    15. Newfld Newfld, 1 year ago
      Thank you DejaVu for the love for this Sung frog, I've been lucky to find a few of his items & this was my first & favorite, glad you liked it too!

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