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Victorian Art Glass Vase with bird

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Recent Activity19 of 2420Victorian Chimney Flue Cover With Fairy MotifMy greatest fear and collecting fever... SPIDER!
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (418 items)

    This little piece was advertised in Excellent condition but it was hard to tell as the pictures were out of focus. I could see that the feet were perfect, they are normally the first thing to get damaged, even so it does wobble a bit. When it arrived I immediately noticed what looks like a sliver out of the glass just by the tail and a very rough repair but the elderly owner says it was always like this and the raised piece will not come off. After looking very carefully with a magnifying glass you can see that the repair has the twig painted on it. You would think that if a piece had damage they would dispose of it but it seems not to be the case. The guy did do me a partial refund anyway. 160mm high.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Such a gorgeous vase, the bird design is so lovely - and cool that it glows
    2. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      This is stunning! What a super find, a real class act! Wish I could find one... :-)
    3. inky inky, 3 years ago
      A very pretty Harrach me thinks..
    4. Glenn12345 Glenn12345, 3 years ago
      I agree with Penny ...'-))

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