Posted 3 years ago
(1487 items)
This 2 1-4"W elephant brooch has an Indian design with red bead dangles on its blanket and head cover, mini white rhinestone accents and two emerald green eyes, on textured goldtone. Original 1950s design by Hattie Carnegie (1918-1979) with cartouche mark
Lovely little elephant there, I adore the added details of the dangling stones- makes him look very opulent! I think he may be some sort of elephant royalty- he definitely looks the part! :)
pretty little thing ... nice find .... '-))
He's a star in any circus he goes to, beautiful !~
Many thanks all for the kind love
Lauren thank you so much for your delightful ideation about this elephant & the warm praise, yes this fellow is very royal looking & appears to be part of a regal procession! The designer placed the beads in perfect position for how the Indian elephants are decorated. This is the original unretouched design for this Carnegie elephant, newer versions have wild colors like lime green enamel but I like this kind of royal version & love his winsome face
Thank you Rocky for your wonderful compliment & enjoying this elephant, it was a truly nice find of a vintage design
Phil this elephant would look amazing at the circus, how I wish they still allowed animals to participate, they were such a huge part of circus attraction esp for kids. I still remember going backstage to see all sorts incl elephants, tigers, horses, camels etc., an animal lovers paradise! Thank you for your fabulous praise & renewing fond circus memories for me
Trey & Alfie, I'm so grateful for the love for this vintage elephant brooch & other loves for my posts, you guys are really great and I thank you so much!
Thanks aura & Maureen for the love for this Carnegie elephant, glad you enjoyed it and always grateful for the kind support
Thanks jb & Pascale for the love of this Carnegie elephant, you are so nice & I'm truly grateful for your kind consideration
Thank you clockerman for the kind love for this elephant brooch, so pleased that you liked it and really appreciate your thoughtful consideration
Thanks Giana & earthandmagneto for the love it's very gratefully appreciated