Posted 3 years ago
(5053 items)
This is about 20 inches across and extremely heavy! it may have been a wash basin before it became a planter. The X is interesting. I've never seen a piece of crockery like this. Have you? Any info appreciated.
it weighs something like 80 lbs.
Never happened to see one with a lid. That was always the first piece broken. My late ex mother in law had I think four like or very similar to this in her root cellar. She never used them but two generations before her did. They were where corned beef was cured in the brine. I can tell you first hand it stunk something terrible but tasted dam good. Hers had wooden lids cut to size. Amazing the treasures that were hidden in the cellars of that old farm house. It had four different cellars each with a different use and you could get there from the wood shed or from a stairway in the main house or from a side entrance next to a bed of horseradish. All of it got sold off when my father in law died including the farm house. That place had one of the best dumps around. We pulled a 39 chevy pickup out of that dump.
your story sounds a bit like my own. i grew up with wood sheds, root cellars, beds of horseradish, etc... in nh. its all still there - all 3000 acres too! but it's getting to be too much for my elderly parents to manage. so we have to come up w/ a plan.
ho2 the place I refer to was also in NH. Back during the 20 to 40's it was a huge chicken farm. All gone now but the memories and my ex wife.
I shoulda known! that's cool fhrjr2! i was born in 63, but my dad knew all the old-timers when they were around. Some really strong accents amongst the farmers and our hunting friends.