Posted 3 years ago
(948 items)
Found this one on eBay AU last week & it arrived today - my tenth Victorian art glass tulip ornament by Richardsons.
This is a classic piece of English Victorian glass & I'm thrilled to add another one to my collection. There's always room for more of these beauties!
The tulip flower is pale amethyst with opaque white stripes, sitting on a uranium yellow stem with three upright leaves & a leafy base. It measures around 15 cm tall at the highest point.
Third photo shows the yellow parts of the tulip glowing under UV light.
Last photo shows some tulips in my garden last week when the weather was actually warm & sunny for once! Since then we've had several severe storms, hail, high winds & winter like temperatures, & many of our Spring flowers are looking rather worse for wear...
Beautiful find!
Many thanks, Mrstyndall!
Gorgeous -
I don’t know which are more beautiful- the glass tulip with or without UV light, or the ones growing in your garden!
Lovely Glass Tulip Marin but unfortunately I think your garden overshadows it, must have been lovely sitting out there in the sun in such beautiful surroundings!
Many thanks Mrstyndall!
Thanks also, Lori!
Much appreciated, Patricia - I agree, it's a tough call!
Thanks so much, Bernard, yes it was rather nice for a few days last week but lately it's been cold & extremely windy, so the tulips & are a tad worse for wear. Got a lot of irises due to flower soon so hopefully the weather stays calm for a while so they get a chance to put on a show...
Thanks also, Scott!
wonderful under uv light
Much appreciated, kivatinitz!
Wow! Terrific!!!
Thanks so much, vintagelamp!