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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    It isn't hanging in the carport yet, but it has got some new lenses and wiring and is LIT UP and 'bucket-mounted' out there on a shelf anyway, happily flashing away to amuse me with one of its yellow lights blinking over and over coming in thru the bathroom window...? <giggle>

    These pics when I re-did it (I won't use the word "restore", I just fixed it enough to make it work safely) to get it ready to actually hang up for good. Pics 1-3 are in the yard showing one of its pair of vintage red "smiley" lenses (as I did have a 2nd one to match the one of those it came with) and one of the amber 'dissimilar pair' I used to replace the poly (plastic) lenses it came with, turns out I did not have a pair of amber "smileys" so used one of those and a likewise vintage Kopp Glass (maker) example. The Kopp lens even has an authentic BB hole in its face, so to me that makes it even more *perfect* to go into this light -- in reality most four way signals like this often served much (or most) of their lives with dissimilar lenses in them, due to routine repair and maintenance when nobody cared whether they matched anything or not, as long as they lit up. :-) Even the poly amber lenses this light came with are perfectly legitimate to display it -- I just like the old glass ones better because they're sparklier... <LOL>

    Pic 4 is on its current shelf awaiting some electrical conduit and whatnot, and some major rearranging of all the junque on the carport floor. That pic (and #3) kinda caught the light mid-flash, one direction coming on while the other is going off. (or in other words, "fun with wig-wag flashers?!!")

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