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1970 floor lamp

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Alfie21's loves1618 of 3002Gem-Craft scorpion 1930s Tootsietoy Art Deco Streamliner Bus Made in the United States of America
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    CW member charmsomeone showed us their desk lamp earlier today, which I recognized immediately as a 'sibling' to a floor lamp I've owned since the late 1970's -- here IT is! :-) Mine was given to me by a neighbor lady who first bought it, then somehow managed to break its stem off where it threaded into its floor stand, thus she didn't want it anymore. (I always wondered why she had it in the first place, it was nowhere near her usual home decor style...?) I didn't have means to re-thread it, but did have the ability to drill the base out slightly larger and install a setscrew bolt to hold it together -- I must have done a decent enough job of that, since it has survived my house(s) to this day...? <lol> Mine also has a label saying it is made in Hong Kong, also a UL label and one for its max lightbulb wattage. Its post is in two pieces with a slipfit connection, it will readily come apart into two pieces if you try to pick it up by its top.

    It is SO COOL to discover that my lamp also came in a desk lamp version, I wonder if there are any more variations of them out there??

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