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Tear Drop Paperweight and Bonnie!

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Art Glass Paperweights42 of 686Paperweight, Kosta Boda, Mona Morales-SchildtCoat of Arms on a Crystal Cube
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (418 items)

    This piece is from Llewelyn Ash from Australia, I am assuming there is a few around as one has made it across the Tasman to New Plymouth. It is shade over 160mm high and although there is airspace inside is very heavy. Her Indoors likes to spin it like a top, I think she enjoys the look on my face when she does! :)
    On a sadder note many will have seen a couple of pickys of Bonnie my high maintenance cat unfortunately she has become very low maintenance in the last few weeks and is now chasing hedgehogs in pussycat heaven. She still has pride of place but now in a Rimu box with some of the paperweights. The red heart is a Katie Brown piece.
    I included a picture of her in better times before she had a sore back with a Hello Kitty Christmas hat.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      Such a pretty girl to go with your pretty glass art….very sad about her having to leave you.

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