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Brass Hanging Church Sanctuary Lamp With Glass Inserts

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1101 items)

    Brass Hanging Church Sanctuary Lamp With Glass Inserts

    Fom the internet:
    The sanctuary lamp, also called a chancel lamp, is placed before the tabernacle or aumbry in Roman Catholic churches as a sign that the Lord is present, and in Old Catholic and Anglican churches as a sign that the Blessed Sacrament is reserved or stored.

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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 3 years ago
      This is a lovely lamp but I have to disagree with the purpose as a Sanctuary Lamp. The definition of what one is/means is absolutely correct, but church tradition also dictates that such lamps (of whatever material or design) will show a visible flame through a clear red colored lens generally with a 360 degree view. This lamp doesn't fit that definition, nor does it have any overt religious symbolism on it which is not required, but would be very uncommon by its absence.
    2. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      Thank you for your comment. I think that my antique dealer got this from a preist friend, so I will have to check with him. I love the lamp regardless.
    3. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      Anything Obscure,
      Here is a photo of a sanctuary lamp that is similar,,,
    4. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 3 years ago
      Vintagelamp, if it had a now missing red cup (-like thing, or similar) atop it like the one pictured in Malta (?) it would absolutely qualify! Also worth noting, really antique or ancient examples from 'foreign lands' could certainly be exceptions to anybody's rule...?? :-) :-) :-)
    5. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      There is definitely supposed to be something in the top that would make the light visible from all sides. Like I said though...I like it regardless. Thanks again for the great comments and info that you share.
    6. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      Its a surpreme beauty. I love these hanging wonders from old churches and a lot of people never give them up, so they are rather rare. Possibly now is the time we will see more. Congrats on on finding this treasure. Hopefully you will get some inf0. Another place to ask is a church supply store where sometimes you can find treasures left over.
    7. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      Thank you for your kind comment. I have only seen a few of this type of item and that is from the same dealer. I really love the look. I will see what else I can find out.
    8. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      I have seen the lamp before but cannot find or see where. Probably even on this site.
      It is I know referred a lot of times in stained glass talk as 'decorated with jewelled glass' instead of using glass inserts. I always wanted one like yours!
      Also NOW I know that I have a sanctuary lamp also, it is very much like this with some original chains but mine is dull brass now but totally same shape, the upper smaller candle glass and additional chains missing !~
      I don't have a pic yet of mine, which hasn't been down from a high cupboard, mine being put up years before the arthritis killed the reach. This is similar :
    9. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      I actually answered again and forgot to mention that I have seen before and probably wrongly called "antique brass jeweled fairy lamp", look that up for images. My lamp came from a R.C. church that was being torn down and was also offered an alter !~
    10. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      Love the pic of the lamp! Hope that you can reach yours at some point. I will look of the fairy lamps. I would have never thought to look up the lamp using that description. It will be interesting to see what I can find. Wow! An alter...that would be interesting! Thank you for all of this information! Sincerely appreciated!
    11. rancherswife rancherswife, 3 years ago
      Wow! Just beautiful!
    12. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      Thank you!

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