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Conservation of Tiffany Sterling Presentation Bowl

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Tiffany Silver2 of 45Small Tiffany BagSilver pendant
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (16 items)

    This trophy was created for the New York Yacht Club's annual regatta in 1858. The 14" bowl had been refinished in the 1970s and had all its patina stripped, then it was lacquered. I removed the lacquer and leveled the base and rim. The surface was repatinted to add dimension to the ornament, then lightly polished to highlight the ornament. A wax was applied to protect against tarnishing.

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 3 years ago
      Beautiful work..
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      Superb. You have always done such fine work and know more than most of the people here knew. You should show more, too important not to. I wish I had collected very fine silver in my lifetime but now is too late for me. This piece is exquisite and quite important !~
    3. Joel222, 3 years ago
      very cool ...
    4. kyratango kyratango, 3 years ago
      Ahhh, applying patina again when it had previously been all removed makes the details stand out!
      Can you share what method you use?
      For the antique jewellery pieces I get awfully dipped, I use the hard boiled eggs method, never had the nerves to try liver of sulfur...
    5. silversmith silversmith, 3 years ago
      kyratango, I use liver of sulfur gel, but better to leave this type of work to the pros ;~). This is the product I use:
    6. kyratango kyratango, 3 years ago
      Thank you! Since I "kyratised" many pieces during past 10 years, I'm not a total novice ;-)
      Now, I may invest in a stabilized L.O.S gel and give it a try on practice pieces!

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