Posted 3 years ago
(3472 items)
This is a nice set from the mid 1990s after Hasbro started making 12" figures This is one of their better sets although the figures they were making at this time were clunky with ham hands with no fingers. I used a 40th anniversary figure which is a faithful reproduction of the original figures.
Featured here is the ghillie suit which is excellent camouflage. I'll put him outside some time and you will see. The set also comes with shelter blind, mess kit, canteen and of course a sniper rifle. I added a CAR 16 because snipers carry a backup weapon for when people get too close.
Still a big pile of stuff to post and then I can get out my Christmas decorations.
That really is a load of camouflage, with my luck he would be lost before I remembered where I was. This accessory really goes the full mile !~
Thank you very much Phil. I had another and a bird stole his helmet for nesting material.