Posted 3 years ago
(1491 items)
Here are a few of my favorite things for the New Year - a 4"H Fostoria pine pattern cocktail glass made from the 1950s-1970s; a vintage 1 1-2"H graphic rhinestone martini glass pin in Dorothy Bauer style; and a 5"W Christopher Radko millennium New Year postcard ornament, all "held" by my 9"H smart robot by Yuhongchi Toys, a Christmas gift from my husband who knows I love 'bots. A mixture of the old & new, may the new year 2022 preserve our traditions as well as bring scientific advancements to keep us all safe.
Cheers CW friends, to a very Happy New Year for us all!
Luv Jenni
Wonderfu, Happy New Year, he certainly does have his hands in the punch bowl, love it and those pave set stones !~
Happy New Year Jenni :)
Love and Best Wishes For A Happy New Year!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year. J
New Year's wishes & blessings to you all my friends, with thanks for the kind love
Thank you Phil for your fabulous praise for this little vignette, the robot does seem to be enjoying the cocktail glass a bit too much lol! Have a super 2022
Happy New Year Trey, you are always so kind at the holidays and are an inspiration to me, thank you so much for your good wishes & all the best in '22
vintagelamp have the happiest of New Years, I love your beautiful collection and am looking forward to more beauties from you to come. Thank you for the lovely wishes & XOXO right back atcha, best in '22
Happy New Year clockerman my friend and every happiness in 2022, thank you for your thoughtful kind wishes
Happy New Year, Jenni!
All best wishes for 2022, full of sparkles, bots, glass and no more Greek alphabet!
New Year wishes & thanks all for the love
Happy New Year MrsT and thank you for your kind wishes, hope you have a great one
Ditto Pascale, a most wonderful year ahead for you as well my friend, I love all those things and yes, we will finally be able to pronounce those hurricane names lol :)
Happy New Year Jenni, and also everyone else here on CW! That robot is really sleek and futuristic looking# if you've seen Wall-E, he kinda reminds me of Eve?! The cocktail pin is my absolute favorite, very seasonal and fitting for this time of year! It definitely gives out the party vibes... :D
Happy New Year, Jenni!
New Year's wishes & thanks for the love all
Happy New Year Lauren my friend, and a fabulous 2022 ahead for you! I didn't see Wall-E but googled images of its robot Eve, and yes mine does look alot like her! Another similar bot is by the French co Nao, the head is very similar (it seems to have blow dryers for ears lol) as is the body shape. I first fell in love with this type bot watching a Brazilian telenovela (with a Portuguese dictionary!) called Morde e Assopra, they had a Nao robot they named Zariguim, it talked and was so comical. Try to find a scene on ytube called Morde e Assopra Zariguim choque Jandira (choque means shock) where he sends an electric current to this mean lady & makes her hair stand up, I watch it whenever I can use a good laugh :) Thanks for your good wishes and marvelous comment
Happy New Year Kevin, hope you have a wonderful '22 with many good things ahead!
Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you Jenni!!
A most Happy New Year to you and yours Scott, thank you for your kind heartfelt wishes and I hope the same for you with the accent on good health, may this virus weaken into something mild (too much to hope it will disappear) that allows us to live our lives normally again. Cheers to 2022!
Such a fab post Jenni. I love every bit of it.
Best year for you please :)
Thanks Karen, I hoped you would enjoy this as I remember you did a great post of several robots, plus of course I wanted you to see Hawaiian Santa & his naughty outfit :) All the best to you too in '22, starting off with a bang here, big snowstorm yesterday and in the teens (F) temps here tonight, brrr. Fab comment as ever
jb I'm so very grateful to you for all the loves for my posts today, you are such a kind friend and I truly wish you all the best in 2022. I only wish I could be in Florida near to you right now rather than freezing here in NY, it's in the teens tonite brrr!
God bless, love Jenni
Happy New Year Sean, thank you for your kind wishes & loves for my posts today, it is always wonderful to see you here and I am ever grateful for your kindness and thoughtful support, love Jenni
Searching I wish a wonderful, prosperous and healthy 2022 to you & yours, you are an awesome friend and I humbly thank you for the kind new year wishes as well as the multitude of loves for my posts today, you're such a sweetheart and I will get to thanking you for each one as time allows. CW is a brighter place with you around!