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Harry Galloway Dioramas With Britains Figures

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1101 items)

    Harry Galloway Dioramas With Britain Figures
    Two great dioramas. First one of Charlcote House in Warwickshire, UK with Queen Elizabeth Center on her horse, There is a print in the background published Setember 1845 by Chapman and Hall. Second is a fox-hunting scene in front of Westwood in Worcestershire with a print publised on July 1, 1847 by the same company. These dioramas were sold in New York and England.
    From the internet:
    Charlcote House
    The Great Hall has a barrel-vaulted ceiling made of plaster painted to look like timber and is a fine setting for the splendid collection of family portraits. Other rooms have richly coloured wallpaper, decorated plaster ceilings and wood panelling. There are magnificent pieces of furniture and fine works of art, including a contemporary painting of Queen Elizabeth I. The original two-storey Elizabethan gatehouse that guards the approach to the house remains unaltered.
    Charlecote Park covers 185 acres (75 ha), backing on to the River Avon William Shakespeare has been alleged to have poached rabbits and deer in the park as a young man and been brought before magistrates as a result.[1] But it is unclear whether there were any deer in the park at that time. It was landscaped by Capability Brown in about 1760.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Fabulous British dioramas, I love the 3D effect of the figures & animals with those gorgeous English mansions behind them. Tally ho!
    2. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      Thank you for all of your kind comments:)
    3. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 3 years ago
      These are really cool!
    4. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      Thank you!
    5. jscott0363 jscott0363, 3 years ago
      I absolutely love these dioramas!!
    6. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      It was love at first site for me. Thank you!

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