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Frontier Golden Cowboy Sign

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (945 items)

    This rare Frontier Golden Cowboy sign has a very long and interesting story with it that would make any sign collectors eyes bug out when hearing. It is the rarest of all Frontier signs and there are only 7 known to exist. My friend Jeff Wandler in Gillette WY has 2 and another friend in American Falls has a third and it’s the nicest one we know of. Another is hanging on a garage Wall in WY and another rough one got sold in Colorado a couple of years ago. The 6’ Red and White “Common” Frontier is one of a pair we have at the Lakeside Museum/ Event Center. Can u tell we like porcelain signs? The GS 1000 sign was actually a Beeline signs before Frontier bought the Beeline refinery in Salt Lake and they just kept using the GS1000 sign as long as Frontier remained.

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    1. Trey Trey, 3 years ago
      Maybe I will find one :)
    2. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 3 years ago
      If anybody can, u can! Finding one is not impossible! Ours has a storybook tale that still fills my mind with excitement when I think about all the unlikely, improbable, events that took place to enable the impossible to occur! That’s part of the indescribable fun of the hobby! What might be under that next pile of hay in the barn or junk at the dump?
    3. Trey Trey, 3 years ago
      I found 3 a few years back on Craigslist in Colorado, the red and black Keyhole one with the guy on the horse and 2 like this and they were on the pole for a 1,000 a piece. Unfortunately they were already sold for a lot more than that with all the people calling and driving the price through the roof.
    4. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 3 years ago
      Isn’t hindsight revealing? Fortunately I think we already have enough signs gathered up in storage to fill this new Event Center so we don’t have to pay the crazy prices of today with the new Biden Pesos that purchase little for lots.

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