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Old Iron..

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Alfie21's loves1211 of 3002Macho Mechanical Mover Matchbox Monday MB 58 Drott Excavator 1962 through 1965my black ceramic cat
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (9 items)

    ya just guta love this rag top Lincoln Continental with those crazy head lights I think back in the day I saw these use in a Rat fink post or rag,... what a boat........The truck speaks for its self nieces boy ....cuter the a puppy dog thats only one day later, stay safe ...


    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      I loved watching Raymond Burr in Perry Mason and then Ironside and watching all of the cars like this one coming around the corner, great find !~
    2. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 3 years ago
      Old iron??? These were in style when I was young. Thanks for sharing them. Gas was 18 cents a gallon back then so you could afford to keep their bellies full.
    3. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 3 years ago
      That Lincoln would just look SO PERFECT sitting in my driveway, just like it could have done when it (and my driveway and house) was "new"?!! :-) :-) :-)
    4. Glenn12345 Glenn12345, 3 years ago
      thanks all ...

      PhilDMorris......yip I was brought up on them and when ever they are on my wife is watching them and lately Mannix which I never cared for other then the cars he drove ...I used to like to see what Paul Drake would pull up in ..
      vetraio50vetraio50 loves this.
      AnythingObscure ya like a dirt drive ... which i still
      fhrjr2.. ya i remember paying 25 cents a gal and pulling up to change the oil all they would do is suck it out,. filter it and pump it back in ..I think it was Merit gas and Lucky's 20 cents later
    5. Glenn12345 Glenn12345, 3 years ago
      whoops missed ...Watchsearcher ..Izenglish,.... thank you both....stay last post here is a mess ...
    6. Glenn12345 Glenn12345, 3 years ago
      thank you all ,stay warm,.. drink a lot of hot coco / hot rum....

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