Posted 3 years ago
(950 items)
We got this very nice neon/porcelain sign in Alva OK a couple of years ago and finally got it posted on a wall in the new Lakeside Event Center/Museum. No we haven’t put the neon back on it yet.
Kelvinator introduced its first refrigerator in 1916 and was a major Brand in the USA for many decades as I was growing up.
Pretty cool sign, don’t you think?
Is there any method to your oldest to newest, regions, obviously not alphabetical...are you just throwing them up randomly? Curious minds want to know...
Yes and no. Hard to be very organized with so many different companies. We have tried to put the same Brands next to each other as possible. We have a Texaco wall next to a Red Indian wall as Texaco bought red Indian. We have Signal all together, we have Sinclair mostly together. Stuff like Kelvinator that doesn’t even fit with anything gas oil we just put where it fit easily. Tricky getting organized when you’re old! Sparkys Burgers will be over the food prep area. Cowboy Motel will be next to the bridal dressing room since he has a gun:) and we have daughters.
Ok thanks..I was curious. I bought some stuff was a doorstop with 2 scottie dogs. Found out it was actually Texaco related...they were images from an advertisement. Pretty interesting..