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Vintage Coke Machine V83

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1 item)

    Hello, newbie here. I'm hoping I can gain some information about a coke machine I'm looking at. I think it is a 1946 V83 model. When I looked at it I noticed the "box" on front of machine. The guy told me his grandfather bought the machine new and it was used at a motel. Is that why it has the "deposit 1 cent" box? Anyway, looking for any feedback in terms of rarity, value, general information. If I'm at the wrong forum, please let me know. I appreciate any feedback

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    1. SWEETLENNY SWEETLENNY, 3 years ago
      Can someone confirm a date range? It has V83 to start a model number. I've read 1946-1947 because of wide trim on front. Then I saw a person post a similar machine as a 1956? Way off on dates
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 3 years ago
      Guessing the extra 1c coinbox was for 'returnable bottle deposit'?? (which'd make sense if the machine was located at a motel, where the bottles might not ever get returned) I've never seen anything like that, THANKS for sharing it! (and I hope you *get* it, if that's why you were asking about it...sorry I can't help with that)
    3. SWEETLENNY SWEETLENNY, 3 years ago
      Thanks!! You're right Obscure! The box was for a deposit on the bottles. So even back in 1946 there were thieves. Very cool I think, so, back in 46' a coke would cost your 11 cents.

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