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Tony Kuepfer Decanter

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Art Glass1770 of 23510Another Kuepfer Dark Chocolate BowlTony Kuepfer Bottle
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (418 items)

    Another just found it in the weekend. These aren't coming of the local eBay equivalent I have just been zipping around on the scooter checking places out for about a 160K radius. Again this has been produced in 2 parts but there is a real funny mark just to the side of the pontil. I have taken 2 photos one from the base and another looking down through the body of the decanter. It looks like the face of a jowly hound or some sort of unusual Maori motif? I asked a local friend who has been into this a lot longer than me and he had no answer and suggested Stuart that runs the NZ Glass blog so I emailed him and fortunately he knows Tony K and contacted him and believe it or not it is just a random pattern from either a bubble in the glass or a small tail of glass that flattened trapping some air when he blew it. He never had any tool or stamp to produce this. 285mm high.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      Even though it was unintentional, the quirky little dog faces are a special feature.

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