Posted 3 years ago
(3472 items)
Possibly 500 Million years old. They were around a long time until a mass extinction in the Permian period 250 million years ago. These were early arthropods like crabs and lobsters.
This example is a massive three inches long. The tiny legs and feelers are missing but not bad for couple hundred million years.
Nice..they would've been hanging out with my orthoceras...
Amazing fossil!!
Amazing is an understatement.
I think it looks like a large rolly-polly bug!
Don't know the scientific name for the little bug that rolls up like a ball when touched, this would be similar to them.
feeling a little bit of envy for you with this one Brian, great find and post. Lori
Very nice fossil of a trilobite. Specimens like this are widely available from deposits in Morocco. The rolly-polly bug is also called a sow bug.
Close.. its a Pillbug...
"pillbugs can roll themselves up into a protective ball when threatened, like an armadillo; sowbugs cannot. Sowbugs have a pair of short tail-like structures on the end of their bodies; pillbugs do not."
Pretty cool I love fossils these do get much bigger
Thank you very much Dave. You have a fine fossil. They may have known each other.
Thank you very much Scott.
Thank you very much Lori. If it had the legs it would look like a sow bug.
Thank you very much Congen. It may have come from there.
Thank you very much Dave again. I think sow bugs fold up. Yes rpillbugs roll up in a ball/
And thank you very much Olecody.