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Costume Jewelry Brooches

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Other Jewelry/Known & Unkn…195 of 457Part 7 - Bell Aircraft P-39 Airacobra Diamond Brooch vs Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's Russian "Order Of Victory" CommendationWho made it?
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1 item)

    Inherited some jewelry from my Grandmother. These are some of the brooches. Just curious if anyone is aware of the years and information pertaining to these pieces. Interested I their history.

    Costume Brooches
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    1. sarahquality, 3 years ago
      Thank you and Yes if the backs had any identity markers I would post but there is literally nothing, no imprint or names or numbers (I know what that is indicative of-no true dollar value) which I'm not interested in money. I'm just curious of origin or year, etc etc. Maybe photos of the backs to show how jewels are inland and such could be helpful
    2. RichmondLori RichmondLori, 3 years ago
      Let me say Welcome to CW,
      and there is a reason to want to see the back side (all sides) of an item - the artist who made the item can most always (?) ID a piece by the construction, use of material, settings......etc..... So it is recommended that when posting include all sides and information.

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