Posted 3 years ago
(43 items)
As I am moving out of my beloved loft-inspired apartment, I had the chance of gathering my mannequins for a group picture before packing them for the move.
I will surely miss them during the four or five months it will take to have my new home's renovation completed.
But the thing I will miss the most is the apartment itself, where I lived for the last ten years. Hopefully, this will be a change for the better, as the new house is a much bigger place, in a quieter neighborhood and closer to natural landscapes (or at least, greener ones).
Here we go again, a new adventure begins!
I live in the mountains in a log cabin. Before that I lived in an apartment above a business in an old downtown. I like both.
Thanks to
fortapache, I lived in a house when I was a kid and since I left my parents house I've been living in apartments, mostly around downtown. After the lockdowns I felt it to be a bit too claustrophobic to be inside an apartment for long periods, so I decided to move to a house in the suburbs. It is a new experience and I have mixed feelings right now, mostly because I loved this apartment so much. I designed the whole project and made some of the furniture myself. Also, it was designed to showcase my collectibles, so I considered it a custom home.
To my surprise, it sold so quickly that I didn't have the time to end the new house's renovation so I will have to pack and store all my stuff for four or five months.
Well ..we want some pictures of your new place...want to see how you display your pieces. .
Super mannequins, and much happiness in your new home
Super cool collection of mannequins, & wishing you all the best for your renovation & move! You may find that after unpacking everything & arranging it all in the new house will give you a different perspective on your collection - that happened for me.
I moved my collection of glass (plus everything else in the house) in 2018, it was a massive upheaval but worth the effort. Best of luck!
Very cool mannequins!!!!
The man with the cigarette is inspired. Nice group.
Dav2no1, sure! In June, hopefully, all my stuff will be in place.
Newfld, thank you so much, you're very kind!
IronLace, thanks for sharing your experience. I am very concerned about the new house being planned with a different concept in mind, and how to make my crazy collections fit in the new environment. I guess some things will work better than others and some will have to go. Anyway, the mannequins make a nice group and I will try to keep them together. Thanks for your kind words! I really needed them.
Jscott0363, thanks mate!
A VERY cool arrangement -- but gotta point out that I'm not sure I'd be able to *sleep* in a room with all of them watching...?? <LOL>
Wishing you all the best in your future move -- "adventure" is often a good thing, in my book! :-) :-) :-)
Artfoot, thank you for your comment. He was in pieces when he arrived, he is a papier mache or carton mannequin covered with a plaster "skin". It is a very fragile composition and he required a full respray and makeup.
AnythingObscure, you are absolutely right. The cigarette guy kept making me jump everytime I passed by the room where he was on display (my studio). It took me a month to get used to his presence.
AnythingObscure, thanks for your nice words. I am pro-adventure too! Life is too short!
mcheconi -- I just realized what's "missing" from your photos -- aside from the lovely lady in the foreground, you need a disembodied HAND laying there on the table, too?!! <giggle>
AnythingObscure, I actually have two mannequin hands in a box somewhere LOL... I forgot about them!
These are great and the expressions on their faces are great!!
What a great display ! Moving is a big project I sure hope you will love your new home when it is finished. I moved about 10 years ago . This is the odd part I lived in this home 40 years I moved to a new home 10 years ago and I loved that house but missed the neighborhood feeling of family as it was to isolated . So I bought back the house I left and here I am again . Best of luck and stay well xo
Thanks Sean68 for the comment!
Hello Mani, this collection was started mostly because of the great posts showing the awesome pieces you have in yours. Those posts really made me interested in mannequins and I was really sorry when you had to remove them.
Although I never found a counter top sized mannequin down here, I ended up finding these ones. I also must say that your advice was important to guide me with the conservation and restoration of some of these mannequins. Thank you for your kind wishes! I really hope I don't have to buy this apartment back LOL!
I don't think there is anything else to be said,,, even for ME !!!
Hey, RichmondLori, thanks for the love!
Hello back to you, I hope you have a great Christmas and may all your wishes occur in 2024. The best to you every day, this and every year !~
really cool display and great photos!
This post makes me think of having a gallery for yourself for the display of the wonderful pieces that you have. I would have wanted one badly just for tables that I bought throughout my life. I imagine your home has piqued the interest of any fashion designer also !
Yes Phil, you are so right about it. I feel like I should have all my pieces in a place I could walk around and appreciate them, because this is how I feel about them: I am attracted to their design, their form or mechanical quality. I like to look at them, above all. Of course, this could quickly make me a hoarder, and this is something I try to avoid!