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two 'geometric' stainless steel vases

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    For lack of any better word [suggestions welcomed!] to describe their shapes and style. Both of stainless steel with thicker and heavier bottoms than their sides, one a kind of pedestal base. The larger is 7" tall x 2-3/8" opening x 3-1/4" base, the smaller is 6-1/4" tall x 2" opening x 2-3/4" base. Both bases are unmarked on the outside BUT -- I didn't know this until these pics just now -- the larger one actually has a mark on its bottom *INSIDE*, pic4 is an attempt at the nearly impossible task of getting it in a picture, that consists of a small "GM" in a square box beside a larger outlined "A". (the style of the A reminds me of the letters on a high school varsity jacket, FWIW)

    Guessing at the 'mid century modern' category for these...I don't really know, but I've had them for a long time anyway, and am certain I didn't buy them at a "new stuff" store...??? ;-) ;-) ;-)

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