Posted 3 years ago
(5053 items)
I found this in this hideous plastic frame missing it's glass today. I think / or just hopeful that it's 15th-17th c the real deal! Written first in Italian, then Old German, and French: Jonathan avec son Ecuyers [??] defait les Philistines. or Jonathan defeating the Philistines. Philistine is a very old people/tribe/nation from way bc which was erased completely hundreds of years ago. 'The Phillistines has come to mean 'people not from here', not genuine people, insincere, etc... It's used always derogatorily, i believe. I'd love to find out more about this. There's is a small '43' written in fountain pen in the lower right corner.
Ecuyer is a knight or something like that.
The first written is not Italian but Latin. When translated it means something like: Jonathan conquers the Philistines with his squire (armor bearer).
This is a part of this story: Jonathan and his armour-bearer bravely clambered up from the ravine through hard-to-climb rock formations, as indicated by their names, Bozez ('slippery one') and Seneh ('thorny one'), and succeeded in defeating a group of Philistine soldiers (verses 1–15)
Here's a little reading I found online tells ya all about them. I have a few Philistines books myself..
Hello..The Phillistine's..Yes, Ancient Tribe..One of many the Israelites had to face. Jonathan's best friend was the future King of Israel as a whole country and that would be David..The one, whom with a slingshot, killed a giant Phillistine, Goliath.
King Saul was King at this time and the first King of Israel..David would become the 2nd. King...Source: Hebrew Bible..First Samuel..Old Testament.
If I May elaborate further, a subject I am well versed in..Jonathan ended up being killed in battle..This tore David up, for again, they were best friends. Later, David would write 71 of the 150 Psalms(Songs) in the book of Psalms..A few are about Jonathan..The death of Jonathan can be found in First Samuel, Chapter 31..Hebrew Bible.
FOOTNOTE: My major in college was Music..My Minor was Hebrew And Greek History/Literature.
wow! thanks for all the info m.p.kunst, Bonafide, and Cisum! i found out that it is a 1730 print from Germany.
A copy of the 1730 print from Germany.....?