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Trench Art Seaplane ashtray

In Folk Art > Trench Art > Show & Tell and Military and Wartime > World War Two > Show & Tell.
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (977 items)

    This is a rare bird. I have a lot of trench art airplanes from both World Wars, but this is my first seaplane.

    I was surprised at the weight of the piece-- the body of the plane is a solid piece with bullet and shell brass used in other areas. It has some great engraving-- the stars on the wings, "US Navy" on the tail, and "The Mermaid" on the fuselage.

    Missing the wing float on the left side, but rarity more than makes up for the damage.

    Assume this is the PBY- Catalina, but correct me if I am wrong. I'll see what I can find about the mermaid and update.

    Sits atop a large and heavy 4 inch navy shell with a "diary" decoration around the base.

    My trench art and my photos, do not copy or use without permission

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 3 years ago
      Thanks fort, buss, Tom and 33.

    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 3 years ago
      This is great Scott! I love all of your trench art! Nice find.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 3 years ago
      Thanks scott— appreciate you looking and commenting.

    4. scottvez scottvez, 3 years ago
      Thanks again apollo.

    5. scottvez scottvez, 3 years ago
      Changed the lead photo to one showing the plane sitting on the ashtray base.


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