Posted 3 years ago
(3478 items)
Still yet another well detailed and sculpted Marx 6" figures. These of course are knights. And these are very accurate. The armor is well articulated and not clunky like armor was thought to be. The knights seem to be moving naturally like athletes. The weapons are also correct, not overly large and heavy and are basically can openers. One has a war hammer and one has a mace. Both weapons perfect for fighting heavily armored opponents. Now for a free bonus fun fact. Their armor and weapons weigh about the same as what a current combat soldier carries.
That's enough for these guys. Hopefully I can post my exciting folding chairs tommorrow.
is that the tin man and a friend....'-D cool
Watch out ye enemies, these knights are on the attack!
Fantastic! They have great facial expressions.
Thank you very much Apollo.
Thank ye very much Newfld.
And thank you very much Alfie. Yes they sure do.