Posted 3 years ago
(845 items)
1940's RCA 815 Vacuum Tube and Box
I've had this Tube and Box for a long time. I've always loved the shape of it...mickey mouse tube. Then when the steam punk era started, I found it again..and was gonna make something out of it(robot head?)..but never did. You can see the tube is blown and I dropped it and cracked it near the one contact.
The box doesn't match the tube, but you can see by the writing that it's been stored in there a long, long time.
Obviously the box is from a U.S. Navy tube. I love all the handwriting on the boxes. Dad did this a lot, reusing tube boxes and making notes that he tested it or any anomalies.
The October 1941 RCA catalog announced the 815 as the new low-cost push-pull beam transmitting tube. It is particularly designed for frequencies as low as 2 meters.
More likely used in VHF frequency range. More than likely during WWII communications.
Basically means it can run on a lower and upper circuit at the same time absorbing and passing energy. This would make for a more efficient circuit at that time era.
It is a very unusual example with the twin anode connections on the top, must have been for some very specific and unusual purpose?! WELL worth saving it, even if slightly damaged??!! :-) :-) :-)
Love the old Tubes and Boxes
Thanks for the comments and looking..